Awaken the will to love





the Will to Love
by Uta Gabbay



About the book

This book offers a potent and practical tool for personal and collective transformation. It is a step-by-step guide to using meditation for self-empowerment and for becoming an agent of change – in your own life and in the world. It is written for both beginners on the path of self-development and for people looking for spiritual tools to make a difference in the world. Combining the technique of meditation with the model of Psychosynthesis, the book provides a comprehensive sequence to clearing your old inner patterns and awakening your powers into much higher functioning. The book consists of three segments:

Personal Transformation
The Group as a Transformation Tool
Collective Transformation

Awaken the Will to Love is the fruit of over twenty years of experience of a meditation teacher and spiritual psychotherapist in Jerusalem. Each segment includes audio files of sequential meditative exercises. They have been distilled from the work with many individuals and groups and crafted into effective tools for inner change and for using our minds and hearts in service to the world.



About the author

Uta Gabbay is a life-long student and teacher of conscious living. She is the founder and director of the Hechal Centre for Universal Spirituality in Jerusalem where she has worked as psychotherapist and meditation teacher for over 20 years. She has written various articles and spoken at conferences in Israel, Palestine, Europe and the US. Since 2014 Uta is back in Europe, mainly engaged in diverse writing projects and learning to cooperate with the subtle worlds.


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